As I said before, this month is all about the critters. I'll be finishing up the ones that were sketched in, and adding all the rest. Here are the ones I finished last week:
American Kestrel with prey, a meadow vole |
Domestic cat that's killed a chickadee |
Eastern gray squirrel |
White-tailed doe with fawns |
Ruby-throated hummingbird |
Black bear cub |
Lower left corner with rufous-sided towhee, baby possums, box turtle, southern lady fern, earthworm, chipmunk, Virginia willow, as yet unidentified green fungus, and a meadow vole with his tunnel |
As of feb 6. You can see the extent of my reach with the A frame ladder. I'll break out the expando ladder (a technical term) to finish the sky and add the soaring hawks and vultures this week. |